
Danger in the Shadows: Ch. 14

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Chapter 14: Pressure Point

While Jaeger prepared to make the first cut with the knife Basil’s mind was racing as he tried unsuccessfully to twist his body away. “Does Ratigan really give you all the honor of killing me while he isn’t here?” he asked to stall for time, looking for any excuse to distract the Australian mouse.

“Who said anything about killing you, mate?” Jaeger chuckled grimly. “I’m just gonna teach you a few manners.”

Basil raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at the dagger. “With a hunting knife? My dear sir, manners are taught by gestures and words. In order to teach manners, one has to possess manners himself and not behave as an uncivilized savage.”

In an instant the knife was at Basil’s throat. “You blasted posh Englishmice and your bloody uptight customs,” Jaeger growled. “Thinking you own the bloody world and looking down your noses at the rest of us. Well, let me tell ya, mate. You wouldn’t last a bloody day out in the outback!”

“Perhaps, but we’re not in the outback now are we?” Basil smirked. “This isn’t your filthy desert, this is London.”

Jaeger let out another frustrated growl. “Outback or not! The playing field is the same, mate!”

“On the contrary, mate,” Basil retorted. “It’s a different world here and no matter how you try you’ll never adapt to it.”

“Shut up,” Jaeger said, his voice low and a dangerous as he glared at Basil with hatred.

“Why else do you think Ratigan chose Oliver Loran to be his right hand instead of you?" Basil prodded, knowing that that topic was a sore one for Jaeger. "You’re just a hired gun.”

“Shut. Up."

“Criminal scum like you can’t be trusted. A wild gun who roams the desert has no sense of discipline.”

“I said shut the hell up!” Jaeger yelled, pressing the knife harder until it broke skin and a thin trickle of blood ran down Basil’s neck.

“You’re only proving my point," Basil said wincing at the stinging pain of the blade. "It’s no wonder Ratigan chose a civilized Englishmouse like Loran over a common thug like you.”

Seeing the stunned look on Jaeger’s face almost made the pain worth it for Basil. The Aussie glared at him in silence for a minute, breathing heavily and struggling to control his temper. It took every ounce of his self control to not slit the detective’s throat then and there  just to shut him up. But a moment later a thought occurred to Jaeger and the smile slowly returned to his face.

“Let me ask you something, detective: why do you think Ratigan sprang me from prison and not Loran, hmm?” Basil honestly didn't have an answer for that. It didn't make sense, why would Ratigan choose Jaeger over Loran? Loran was the more intelligent, more skilled assassin, and Ratigan had known Loran for years before Jaeger ever came along. So why would Ratigan pick Jaeger now? The only probable reason Basil could come up with was that the prison Loran was currently contained in was highly guarded and impossible to break into. But then again, so was the prison Jaeger came from, and Ratigan found a way to get him out. It didn’t make sense. The Australian mouse laughed when Basil gave no immediate reply. “No answer huh? Well, let me tell you why. It’s because Loran saved your friend.”

“My friend?” Basil repeated confused.

“You know, your doctor friend.” Basil’s eyes widened as Jaeger chuckled. “You were there too, don’t you remember? It was at a party a few years back.The day Loran was arrested. Ratigan gave Loran the order to kill him, and right before he pulled the trigger Loran choked and grew a conscience. He failed to carry out Ratigan’s orders, so when he was caught, Ratigan didn’t bail him out. Loran sacrificed himself for your friend, and you sent him to jail for it!”

Basil’s ears flattened and he winced as more guilt crept into his soul. He remembered that night clearly, the night Loran was finally captured and arrested. He had had no idea that Dawson had been the target, he only saw Loran with the gun and quickly made the arrest. Loran was a wanted criminal, he had never even questioned whether or not he should have been arrested. He had been so careless...

“You’re too clever for your own good, mate,” Jaeger chuckled cruelly. “And yet still utterly clueless! Like I said, it’s not about killing you, although that will come in due time. It’s about ruining you.”

“How? By framing me for the murders?” Basil asked doubtfully trying to get Jaeger to talk and give away Ratigans scheme. “There’s not a single shred of evidence to implicate me in those crimes. And even if you were to provide false evidence, with my reputation no one would ever believe you.”

“On the contrary, mate,” Jaeger smirked. "Doesn't take much to ruin a reputation. Ya see, by this point the Yard is desperate for a suspect. And you’re not always exactly on good terms with them, ay? You’ve had plenty of time to solve the case by now. And since ya up and disappeared in the middle of the case, that makes you look pretty suspicious, doesn’t it?”

Basil scoffed and rolled his eyes. Although he had to admit, Jaeger might have a point. It was true that he wasn't always exactly welcome at the Yard, as much as he had teased and remarked on Grayson and the other officer's intelligence. But even Inspector Grayson would have enough sense to see what was really going on. “They will come for me,” Basil said quietly, but the hint of doubt had already crept into his mind.

"Oh you have far too much faith in the Yard, mate. Truth is they hate you as much as I do. You're no friend of theirs. You're just a lonely misfit looking to fit in with all the other do-gooders. And when push comes to shove they'll dump you first chance they get."

Basil watched as Jaeger turned to leave, and for a second he thought Jaeger would leave him suspended in the air by the chains. But Basil winced as the assassin walked to the other side of the room and lowered the chain enough that his feet could reach the floor again, but it still left him partially hanging from the ceiling. “Sweet dreams, detective,” Jaeger smirked, and once again Basil was left alone.

Basil instinctively tried to stand up to take some of the strain off his arms and shoulders, but the pain in his injured leg proved to be too much to bear his weight so he had to balance on one foot. But after what seemed like hours that leg too began to tire and eventually both legs gave out from under him, leaving him hanging from his arms again. His muscles ached and he was in such pain that he wanted to scream. All he wanted was a few moments of peace. At last exhaustion overcame him and his world grew black as consciousness slipped away from him.


Dawson sat in a chair in Inspector Grayson’s office at Scotland Yard, still clutching Basil’s bloodied deerstalker cap in his hands . After hearing Dawson’s account of what happened the experienced Inspector immediately took charge, giving out orders to his officers to begin the search for the missing detective.

“This is bad,” Grayson admitted guiltily as he paced the floor. “A search like this could take hours, even days, and we don’t have that kind of time.” He stopped pacing briefly when an idea occurred to him. “What about that hound of his? Do you think he could find him?”

Dawson sighed sadly. “That was the first thing I tried. But the storm washed away any signs of footprints or other clues. All that was left was his deerstalker and his pipe, and even with those the rain just made it too difficult for old Toby to follow the scent."

Grayson shook his head. “Basil has no shortage of enemies… anyone could have taken him. And with the prison break that took place just less than twenty-four hours ago, there are even more criminals out there now with a grudge against him.”

Dawson’s ears perked up slightly and he looked up. “Do you think those two events could be related?”

“Who knows,” Grayson shrugged. “It could be entirely possible that whoever the mastermind is behind the prison break also had something to do with Basil’s kidnapping, but at this point all of this is pure speculation,” Grayson added a bit agitated, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “We’re getting nowhere guessing like this; we need to take action and we need answers now.”

A moment later Grayson and Dawson jumped as another mouse burst into the room and shut the door behind him. Dawson smiled with relief at first, but an instant later it faded as the mouse turned around. He was the very likeness of Basil, only taller and older with a slightly stronger build. The inspector blustered at someone bursting into his office in such a manner but the newcomer interrupted before Grayson could say anything.

“Apologies for the interruption, Inspector,” the tall mouse said. “But I think you’ll find the matter at hand is more urgent than formal introductions.”

Grayson stared for a moment but before he could comment further Dawson stepped forward. “Byron?” he asked confused. “What are you doing here?”

“My brother, niece, and nephew all disappear on the same night within a span of mere hours apart? That’s no coincidence,” Byron answered, causing Dawson’s heart to sink even further.

“You mean Louise and Arthur are missing as well?”

“Unfortunately yes. They were taken from their home less than an hour ago.”

“Would someone kindly explain to me what the hell is going on?” Grayson demanded, gulping slightly when Byron, who was nearly a full head taller than he, turned around and glared down at him.

“Do try to keep up, Inspector. I am Byron Brettman, head of Her Majesty’s secret service. And yes, I am also Basil’s brother, though very few in this world are privy to that information and we want to keep it that way, understood?”

“Understood sir,” Grayson nodded. “But may I ask, how did you know about Basil’s disappearance?”

“Do you think I would be the head of the secret service and not know what’s going on at Scotland Yard?” Byron asked rolling his eyes, and Grayson blushed embarrassed.

“What of Bryna and William?" Dawson asked concerned. “Where they harmed?”

"No,” Byron shook his head. “But as a precaution my sister and her husband have been taken to a safe place under the protection of my best agents."

Dawson looked at Basil’s cap in his hands worriedly. “They’re only children,” he said quietly. “If these are same ones who took Basil then what need do they have for taking his niece and nephew? If Basil is the one they wanted--?”

“That’s precisely why they were the ones targeted,” Byron answered. “You know as well as anyone that Basil does not get along well with children, but Basil has always had a soft spot for Louise and Arthur. They are family after all. Whoever is behind this knows Basil, they know his strengths and weaknesses. Basil has been very careful to keep his surname hidden for that very reason.”

“Wait, Basil is his first name?” Grayson exclaimed.

“As I was saying,” Byron said ignoring Grayson’s outburst, “whoever we are dealing with will not hesitate to use any means necessary to hurt him. Which leads me to you, Doctor. You are the closest person in this world to him, and you were the last person to see him. I need to know every detail leading up to his disappearance. What made him leave the flat in the first place?”

“We were discussing the case… After a while he said he needed time to think and went outside for some fresh air. I didn’t follow, thinking he needed the space. I should have gone with him, I should never have left him alone…”

“What kind of state was he in?” Byron prodded. “Mentally, emotionally?”

“He was... agitated,” Dawson admitted. “Our most recent clue led to a dead end. He blames himself for these murders, the guilt at not having the case solved yet is nearly eating him alive. The nightmares have also returned, he’s had barely any sleep. You know as well as I how he is  whenever one of those dark moods strikes him; but I have never seen him as bad as that, and I never want to see it again.”

Byron nodded understandingly. “Then we must find him at once. If he is already in such a vulnerable state, there’s no telling what his captors will do to him.” Byron’s ears lowered when he saw the look of hurt on Dawson’s face. “You mustn’t blame yourself, doctor. No one saw this coming.”

“I should have stayed with him. I should have insisted…”

“Torturing yourself with the ‘what ifs’ is not going to help. Right now we need to focus on bringing him home safe.” Dawson nodded quietly and looked down at the floor. “Now, your landlady, Mrs. Judson is it? Where is she at this time?”

“She’s in Brighton visiting her sister,” Dawson replied softly.

“Good. Still, as a precaution I will send a couple of agents to secretly watch over her. We can’t be too careful. You know him better than anyone; is there anyone else you can think of that the villains might target to hurt Basil?”

Dawson looked up and gasped. “Charlotte.”


“Charlotte Hampton. She is… an acquaintance of Basil’s. ”

Byron raised an eyebrow interested but nodded. “Do you know where we can find her?”

“I have no idea,” Dawson said worriedly. “We spoke to her just a few hours ago, but I don’t know where she lives or is staying. She was helping us in the case… I-I have to find her before--” Dawson said urgently rising from the chair, but Byron gently sat him back down.

“Leave it to me Doctor,” he said assuredly. “For now, I need you to calm yourself and rest. We need everyone at their fullest potential if we’re going to find Basil. Alright?”

Dawson simply nodded, feeling the weight of defeat weighing heavily on his shoulders. As Byron left to give more orders to his own agents, Dawson was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He glanced up to see the Inspector looking at him with a small smile. “We’ll find him, Doctor,” Grayson said confidently. Dawson sighed tiredly and nodded, looking down sadly at the deerstalker still clutched in his hands. With his own worry for the detective growing with each passing minute, Grayson turned to leave with a few other officers to begin the search for the missing children and detective. I only hope we find him before it’s too late.


Basil was painfully pulled awake when his body hit the floor hard. He groaned in agony as his arms and shoulders and back were burning with pain from being suspended in the air for hours on end, and fresh blood stained the makeshift bandage on the knife wound in his leg. He simply lay there too exhausted to even try to move. All he wanted a few more moments of sleep, at least then he couldn’t feel anything. But that wasn’t to happen as he felt Jaeger re-tie his hands behind his back and roughly pulled him up forcing him to sit on his knees. When it looked like Basil would fall over Jaeger grabbed his hair and jerked his head up, causing Basil to groan quietly.

“Don’t be rude,” Jaeger chuckled. “You’ve got company…”

Confused, Basil slowly opened his eyes. Once they adjusted to the light he gasped at the sight in front of him. Ratigan stood leaning against the doorway casually, watching Basil’s reactions with amusement. But the only thing Basil was focused on were the two tiny mice huddled together on the floor in front of Ratigan. They were his sister’s children, his own niece and nephew, Louise and Arthur.

"No..." Basil breathed out. He stared at Ratigan trying to mask his intense fear of what was happening. "What have you done?"

"Nothing... Yet,” Ratigan smiled innocently, picking at an imaginary speck of dust on his suit. “That all depends on you."

“For god’s sake, they’re children!” Basil yelled out almost in desperation, struggling in Jaeger’s grip. “Leave them out of this, I’ll do anything…!” Basil stopped when he realized what he had said, but saw it was too late as Ratigan looked down at him with a satisfied smirk.

“Tell them it will be ok,” Ratigan demanded as he gently stroked Louise’s hair, causing her to shiver at the touch. “Look them in the eyes and tell them they will be safe.”

Basil swallowed, feeling himself begin to tremble. “Louise, Arty, look at me...”

Both children obediently turned their wide frightened eyes up at him. “U-Unca Basil, I’m scared,” Louise whispered, clutching her younger brother tightly as he whimpered softly, tears rolling down his little cheeks.

“I know darling,” Basil replied quietly, trying to hide his own fear for their lives. He had to be brave for them. “But it’s going to be ok. Soon you’ll be back home safe with mummy and daddy. Both of you just be good and take care of each other, alright?”

"Promise them," Ratigan ordered.

Basil glanced down and took a deep breath, hating himself for what he was doing. It was all he could do to force himself to look them in the eyes. "You're going to be ok. I… I promise."

Ratigan chuckled, causing Basil to glare at him with hatred. “How does it feel, lying to your loved ones? Making a promise you know you can't keep?"

“So help me, Ratigan...” Basil hissed through gritted teeth.

“Perhaps you don’t realize the gravity of the situation,” Ratigan growled, and Basil stared in shock as Ratigan casually removed a knife from his pocket and cleaned it with a handkerchief. “You’re in no position to be threatening me.”

Basil took another deep breath. He had to remain calm, he had to think clearly, if nothing else for the sake of his family. “I never thought you would stoop so low as to threaten innocent children,” he nearly growled.

“I thought you knew me better than that, dear Basil,” Ratigan smiled playfully. “‘Worse than the widows and orphans you’ve drowned…’ Sound familiar?”

“Stop it,” Basil hissed, feeling himself tremble more. “Just let them go, they’re of no use to you.”

“On the contrary, I think they’re most useful. Don’t know why I didn’t try this ages ago,” Ratigan retorted, clearly enjoying himself.

“What do you want then?” Basil demanded. “Clearly you kidnapped them to ensure my cooperation, so what do you want from me?”

“Simple. I want to know what it’s going to take to break you.”

“Don’t hurt them,” Basil said shutting his eyes as tears threatened to spill. “Don’t hurt my family. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Show me. Show me what you're willing to do, and I'll let them go."

Basil’s heart pounded frantically. What else was he supposed to do? Ratigan had him right where he wanted him; on his knees practically begging for mercy. What else could he possibly do to prove that he would do anything to keep his family from harm? Taking a deep breath, Basil lowered his head and bowed himself as low to the ground as he could. Ratigan loved drama, and showing submission to a power-hungry rat like him would surely be enough. As much as he hated it, he knew the children’s lives depended on his actions. He didn’t care how much it hurt his pride, as long as they were safe.

“Please,” Basil repeated quietly. “Do what you will with me, just... please don’t hurt them."

Several agonizing moments passed and Basil glanced up through the bangs hanging in his face. He could see the range of emotions pass over Ratigan: shock, doubt, confusion; then it turned to amusement and glee. The rat’s chuckes soon turned into laughter that echoed loudly in the room, causing Basil’s cheeks to burn with embarrassment. As if he wasn’t humiliated enough…

“Look at Mousedom’s greatest detective now,” Ratigan said as the laughter finally subsided. Basil looked up as Ratigan crossed the room and stood towering over him. “I told you I would make you bow, one way or another.”

Basil gritted his teeth in frustration. “Fine, you got your wish. Now let them go. You gave your word.”

Ratigan shrugged and waved his hand dismissively. “Throw them in the river.”

Basil’s heart nearly stopped.  “You lying bastard!!!” Basil screamed, renewing his struggles as Jaeger fought to hold him back. “You said you’d let them go free!”

“I am letting them go; right off the Tower Bridge and into the Thames,” Ratigan grinned like a naughty child.

“No..." Basil watched in shock as two thugs grabbed the children, stuffing them inside a sack before taking them away. “N-No, you can’t do this, please! I’m the one you want--!"

“And I have you right where I want you,” Ratigan cooed, tilting Basil’s face up with one finger. “On your knees, slowly but surely coming undone at the seams.” Ratigan straightened himself up again and shook his head seeming disappointed. “Love is a dangerous disadvantage, Basil.”

“They are family,” Basil whispered quietly, his vision going blurry as he struggled to keep the tears at bay.

“What of the Doctor? Mrs. Judson? The Flavershams? That woman…” Basil looked up in shock. “Each person you care for is just one more pressure point in your already fragile shell. Here I thought you were above everyone else, on a higher level with me; but turns out you’re just as weak as the rest of them.”

Ratigan shook his head and turned to go, but he froze when Basil’s voice caught his attention.

“I’ll kill you.”

The Professor turned back around slowly. “What... did you just say?”

“I said, I’ll bloody kill you, you son of a bitch,” Basil nearly spat. Ratigan simply stared in shock, seeming unsure of how to react. Basil flinched slightly when Ratigan raised his hand to strike him, but for once he didn’t care. However, the blow never landed. Basil’s ears lowered as he looked up when he heard the sound of clapping.

“Bravo, Basil,” Ratigan chuckled. “You sound like a true criminal now.” He sighed and glanced at his pocketwatch with a sad smile. “As much as I’d like to stay and chat, unfortunately I have a strict schedule to keep. Sleep well,” he added with a cruel laugh as he left the room.

Basil looked down in shame. He hadn’t meant to sink so low, but Ratigan had pushed him too far. And now his own niece and nephew were to pay the price.

The detective was brought out of his thoughts when Jaeger chuckled. "Never knew you had such a soft spot for kids," he said mockingly.

"They’re more than just kids,” Basil said sadly. “Imagine if it were your family. If it were your child..."

Jaeger froze, and Basil’s eyes widened when he grabbed him by the collar. “How the hell do you know about her?” Jaeger growled dangerously.

Basil stared. “I didn’t; you just told me.” The look on Jaeger’s face would have been comical in any other situation, but Basil lifted an eyebrow as some pieces started to fit together. “That's why you've remained loyal to him all these years isn’t it? That’s why you do what you do: To ensure her safety, to make sure that she’s always cared for.” Basil glanced down and nodded toward Jaeger’s chest. “That locket you keep hidden under your shirt close to your heart... I'd wager there's a photograph of your daughter inside. You've had plenty of opportunity to return home to Australia to her, and yet you remain here. That's why you've remained loyal to him all these years. You’re his prisoner, and so long as you obey like a good dog she'll be protected--”

Basil didn’t get to finish as Jaeger punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious. The Australian panted as he stood there, glaring down at Basil. Without thinking he reached up and clutched the locket tightly in his hand, the things Basil had said brought back such strong feelings of homesickness. Jaeger closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Soon. Soon he would get to go home and keep his promise.

But first, he thought, glaring down at Basil’s unconscious form, he had a job to finish.
OMG worked on this for 5 and 1/2 hours today to finally finish it :faint:

For some reason this chapter is one of my personal favorites
don't hate me for loving to torture Basil

Some explanations: Basil really did have a sister named Bryna in the books. Byron is a brother I created for him. I also created her kids and husband. Louise and Arthur were named so as a tribute to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his wife Louise ^^ And I think I explained my reason for Basil's surname in previous chapters so not gonna post it again sorry ^^;

Did you catch the reference to a GMD song in there? I couldn't resist lololol :eyes:

Uh and I kinda revealed some background (such as for Loran and Jaeger)  that will be referenced in future fics... that I will write someday... eventually... heh heh ^^;

HUGE thanks to :iconmimmime: and :iconnightmagican: and :iconcherlnida: for helping me during writer's block and when I wrote myself into a corner a few times with this chapter ^^;

Basil, Ratigan, and Dawson (c)Eve Titus and Disney
mention of Oliver Loran (c)NightMagican
Jaeger, Byron, Grayson, Louise, Arthur, Charlotte (c)Me

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© 2016 - 2024 ALS123
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ilovebooks126's avatar
This had me on the edge of my seat! I hope you write more for it, great work!